What a crazy time its been! We hope you are keeping well & safe.
We want to thank you for your patience as we navigated the announcements & information.
At this stage hairdressers are an essential service and are able to still OPEN.
We are taking extreme measures of safety for you & the staff and feel so blessed to be in a big space.
Strict cleaning, santizing & social distancing are still in place.
We do however ask if you have been around anyone with covid 19, feeling unwell, travelled within 14 days or from a lockdown suburb to please reschedule your appointment.
Upon arrival please sanitize your hands. It is available at our front reception, waiting area & each station.
Face masks are available.
Please do not bring any extra guests to your appointment, to maintain a safe amount of people in the salon. However if you have to then please call the salon prior to your appointment.
Our Guests & Staffs health is the utmost importance to us.
Please stay safe & well.
From the team at MAPEL & CO. HAIR x
If any enquires please call us on 9571-8131
or email: info@mapelandco.com.au